The importance of photovoltaic system maintenance and cleaning photovoltaic panels for optimal performance.

In recent years, solar energy has become an important source of renewable energy and an efficient means of reducing energy costs. Photovoltaic panels have gained popularity due to their energy efficiency and sustainability. However, to ensure that the photovoltaic system remains efficient, it is essential to pay special attention to maintenance and cleaning of the photovoltaic panels. In this article, we will explore the importance of these processes and how to optimize them to maintain the performance of your system.

Why is the maintenance of photovoltaic systems so important?

Photovoltaic systems are comprised of several components, including photovoltaic panels, inverters, batteries, and cables. Each of these components needs to be periodically checked to ensure proper functioning and to prevent potential malfunctions.

Additionally, the maintenance of the photovoltaic system can prevent energy losses that may occur due to technical issues or equipment deterioration.

Among the maintenance operations of photovoltaic systems are:

  • Checking voltage and electric current
  • Verifying the operational parameters of the photovoltaic system
  • Inspecting connections and cables
  • Cleaning photovoltaic panels
  • Verifying the racking system

Cleaning photovoltaic panels – why is it so important?

The cleaning of photovoltaic panels is neglected by many owners. If this is not done often enough, the performance of the photovoltaic system can be decreased due to the layer of dirt that accumulates on the surface of the photovoltaic panels over time.

Periodic cleaning of photovoltaic panels is extremely important to achieve optimal efficiency in the photovoltaic system. Even the best photovoltaic panels have an efficiency of only 20%, which means that 80% of the incoming light is wasted. By cleaning the panels, it allows the easy penetration of light, which improves the efficiency of the photovoltaic panels and, consequently, the overall performance of the photovoltaic system.

The cost of cleaning photovoltaic panels is significantly less than the amount of energy loss that would occur if they are not cleaned. The results are visible and can be certified immediately after the cleaning operations are completed.

Efficiency and performance of systems

Photovoltaic panels represent a significant investment, so it is important to achieve a quick ROI (Return on Investment). Failing to clean the panels regularly can affect the time it takes to achieve the return on investment. It can also lead to a loss of system efficiency due to the layer of dirt that accumulates on the surface of the panels. For this reason, periodic cleaning is extremely important if you want to achieve efficient performance and maximize the efficiency of the photovoltaic panels.

To better understand the importance of regular cleaning of photovoltaic panels, let’s take a look at how they work. Photovoltaic panels absorb solar light and convert it into electricity. The more light the panel can absorb, the more money you can save. Even the best photovoltaic panels have an efficiency of only 20%, which means that 80% of the incoming light is wasted. Therefore, it is crucial to keep your panels clean to allow easy penetration of light and maximize the efficiency and profitability of the system.

Long-term savings

Cleaning photovoltaic systems is an important investment, but the cost of cleaning the panels is significantly lower than the amount of energy loss that would occur if they are not cleaned. Moreover, cleaning the panels can extend their lifespan and help ensure long-term efficiency of the photovoltaic system. In fact, the efficiency of the panels can decrease during the warranty period, which can last up to 25 years, if they are not regularly cleaned.

Protecting the Investment

Solar energy cannot be absorbed and converted into electricity if the photovoltaic panels are covered with dust, dirt, or other materials. This reduces the system’s efficiency and can affect the long-term performance of the photovoltaic panels. Additionally, in areas with precipitation, leaves, or birds, the panels can get dirtier more quickly and intensely, leading to a greater loss of efficiency. By regularly cleaning the photovoltaic panels, you can ensure optimal system performance and protect the investment you have made.

Improving efficiency

Periodic cleaning of photovoltaic panels improves their efficiency. If the panels are covered with dirt, photovoltaic light cannot be efficiently absorbed by the solar cells, reducing the system’s efficiency. The cleaner the panels are, the more light can be absorbed and converted into electricity. Therefore, regular cleaning of photovoltaic panels can improve system efficiency and help reduce long-term energy costs.

Prolonging the system’s lifespan

Regular cleaning of photovoltaic panels can extend the system’s lifespan. Dirt and other materials that accumulate on the panels can cause damage, reducing the system’s lifespan. By periodically cleaning the photovoltaic panels, you can prevent damage and prolong the system’s lifespan.

Ensuring safety

Cleaning photovoltaic panels can be a hazardous process and should be carried out by qualified personnel. To ensure the safety of workers and the system, it is important to use professional photovoltaic panel cleaning services. These specialists are trained and equipped to ensure safe and efficient cleaning of photovoltaic panels.

Protecting the environment

Photovoltaic panels are an important source of green energy, and cleaning them responsibly can help protect the environment. Cleaning products used for photovoltaic panel cleaning can be toxic and can affect air and water quality. To minimize the impact on the environment, it is important to use cleaning services that use eco-friendly products and responsible methods.

In conclusion,

cleaning photovoltaic panels and maintaining photovoltaic systems are essential aspects to achieve maximum efficiency and a quick return on investment.

What is Carbon Footprint and How Can It Be Reduced

The constant growth of the global population leads to increased CO2 emissions but also depletes resources. As projected by the United Nations, Earth’s population will reach 9.7 billion by 2050 and 11 billion by 2100.

Carbon emissions have a direct impact on global warming, affecting the entire planet. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, greenhouse gas emissions have continued to rise, with the industrial sector being considered the primary contributor to this phenomenon. However, each one of us can contribute to reducing the carbon footprint by adopting a more environmentally conscious lifestyle.

What is the carbon footprint?

The carbon footprint refers to the greenhouse gas emissions produced by a company, organization, activity, individual, or even an event.

The carbon footprint is the result of our day-to-day activities that involve consuming fuel for producing food, materials, or fulfilling various services such as transportation.

For example, while cycling has absolutely no CO2 emissions, a London-Bucharest flight emits 350 kg CO2, and a 250 km bus journey emits 30 kg CO2.

How can we reduce our carbon footprint?

These are the simplest ways in which all of us can reduce our carbon footprint in our day-to-day activities.


  1. Choose seasonal and local foods. This way, you won’t encourage the transportation of food over long distances by airplane, truck, or ship, all of which are significant consumers of fossil fuels.
  2. Reduce food waste through better planning and reuse resources when possible.
  3. Avoid excessively packaged foods.


  1. Give up purchasing cheap “fast fashion” clothing that deteriorates quickly. Choose quality, durable clothing, and even consider buying second-hand clothes.
  2. Opt for washing clothes in cold water.


  1. Purchase appliances with low energy consumption.
  2. Buy only strictly necessary items, recycled, or even used if possible.
  3. Avoid buying plastic bags whenever you go shopping.


  1. Replace incandescent bulbs (90% of energy is wasted as heat) with LEDs (lower energy consumption and longer lifespan).
  2. Avoid excessive use of air conditioning.
  3. Make sure to turn off lights when leaving a room and disconnect electrical devices when not in use.
  4. Reduce hot water consumption whenever possible.


  1. Choose public transport, cycling or walking instead of the car whenever possible.
  2. Avoid driving aggressively. Studies show that unnecessary braking and acceleration increase fuel consumption by up to 40%.
  3. Avoid air travel.

It is obvious that we have to take more and more care of the environment. Try to improve your lifestyle in favor of the planet and implement the simple tips mentioned in this article.

What to do if you feel cold air coming through the windows?

It is said that Romanians suffer from the “draft syndrome,” always living in fear of catching a cold draft. We are so obsessed with this misconception that we can find decorative elements on the market that can be placed under windows or doors to prevent cold air from entering our homes. Of course, no one denies that these are temporary solutions for heat loss. But, in fact, the problem will not be solved this way.

When you feel cold air around the window or door, it is a sign that the carpentry is no longer of quality, meaning it no longer creates a seal. The reasons can be diverse, and the solution is one: professional door/window repair services.

Gasket problems

Although this is just an accessory of the entire carpentry assembly, it should not be overlooked. Few people know that window adjustments should be made according to the season. If this is not done, pressure applied to the gasket increases, weakening it over time.

When you feel cold air from outside and hear noises from the outside or the gasket is visibly weakened, it is necessary to replace it at certain intervals.

Hardware problems

It often happens that we close or open the window incorrectly, without fully turning the handle. Over time, this is a habit that leads to the total failure of the mechanism, which can be the cause of the cold air felt around the window.

This type of problem can be solved by lubricating the hardware with special products or even replacing it.


Try not to deceive yourself that one of those decorative products solves the problem of cold air around the window or door.

Many people choose to adjust the windows or change their gaskets by themselves, but most of the time, they do it wrong, eventually resorting to specialists, as they should have done from the beginning.

5 Mobile Apps That Will Help You Save on Electricity

How do you monitor the energy consumption in your home? Are you still keeping track of your monthly bills to figure out how to save on energy? Make this task easier by using your mobile phone, just like many others already do.

The electricity required for lighting, heating, charging your car, automated windows, or garage door can now be controlled through a simple mobile app. In fact, there are numerous mobile apps available that can help you better manage your home by tracking energy consumption for the purpose of making savings.

Most of these apps are available for free on the market. In this article, we will present the best apps that will undoubtedly help you monitor your energy consumption. This way, you can change the way you use electricity every day to reduce your monthly bills.

Energy Consumption Analyzer

Energy Consumption Analyzer is available only for Android operating systems, functioning as a database for energy consumption in a home.

Users of this mobile app can generate reports on energy consumption by adding meters for electricity, natural gas, or water.

The generated reports can be highly detailed if you input more data. For example, you can track energy consumption per hour, day, week, or month.

Energy Cost Calculator 

Energy Cost Calculator is available on both Android and iOS. The application helps you monitor the amount of energy you consume in your home, calculating the operating cost and energy consumption of electrical consumers.

You will be able to accurately track the cost per day, week, month or year to pay less for electricity.

Showr – Smart Shower Timer

Showr – Smart Shower Timer is an app only available for Android users. Through it, the user only needs to set the time he spends on average in the shower, so that the application will warn him when he needs to turn off the tap.

The app not only alerts you when that time is up, but also a few minutes before.

An alternative for iOS users is the Time Your Shower app.

Energy Tracker

Energy Tracker is only available for iOS, evaluating and managing electricity, water and gas meters. Thus, the application provides a graphical analysis of daily, monthly, quarterly and annual consumption. Energy Tracker then uses this data to create reports with potential savings that can be made by comparing daily and monthly trends.


Avaliable for Android and iOS, JouleBug doubles as a social network for renewable energy enthusiasts.

JouleBug users can participate in local competitions to find out the most dedicated community member, recycling events or even share with others ways to save electricity.